What is MEVU?

MEVU is a decentralized platform that allows users to start bets with anyone. Basically, you can bet to see who will win the next NASCAR event or who will be the first to finish an exam. Anything that has a hidden outcome can be used for MEVU to create a bet.
What’s interesting is that you don’t have to just bet with your friends. It’s possible to make new betting friends with other users in the network. MEVU’s platform aims to bring betting back to individuals who want to use it for fun.

How outcomes are determined.
To facilitate a decentralized application the MEVU smart contracts utilizes our MVU token to ensure bets are resolved automatically. The MEVU token (MVU) is an essential part of the MEVU ecosystem and economy. 

The main function of the MVU token is for players to stake their balance which will allow players to become oracles, and report on the outcomes of events. When oracles reach consensus, they receive service fees from the bets that are resolved.

How to get token.
Fulfilling oracle services.
From another player via transfer.
Claiming referral and ranking rewards.
Staking and winning tokens in exclusive games.
Sending ETH to MVU creation contract during ITO.


Peer to Peer Bets: MEVU can be used for two friends to bet on any outcome. Thus, making it a good social app for people who like to foster competitive relationships.
Gamification: MEVU is created like a game where users can bet against each other. This helps reduce the average age for betters from 45 to 38.

Sports Betting: Want to bet on the next Superbowl? Or the next Olympic Event? With MEVU, it helps you do so!
Blockchain Reliability: With Blockchain, MEVU helps users by securing their payments and allowing them to process instantly.

Decentralized Oracle: MEVU allows users to bet at any time and for any moment. Because of this, you don’t have to wait for a booker to start a bet between with your friends.
Disrupting the Sports Industry
When it comes to sports betting, there are a lot of operational costs and additional fees that must be applied before one can bet for a possible outcome. Clients have to pay these high fees because they have to deal with 3rd party institutions.

Also due to security vulnerabilities, regulatory repercussions, and the chances of personal information being exploited, operations and players are at risk of losing their funds. Despite these issues, there is over $400 billion sold in betting and 99% of its illegal.

MEVU solves this issue by creating smart contracts on Ethereum’s blockchain. This helps transparently and immutably store players information and funds, giving players increased confidence when it comes to betting. 
It allows the bet to occur quickly and securely.Additionally, MEVU makes betting a friendly, fostering competition that matches players against each other instead of an anonymous bookie. Plays can be on virtually anything and set their own odds.

Since it cuts the costs of 3rd parties and traditional sportsbooks, MEVU players will always have a 2% transaction fee. Because of this, you can use MEVU as a platform for safe and entertaining betting. 

Token info
Token: MVU

Platform: Ethereum

Type: ERC20

Price in ICO: 1 MVU = 0.40 USD

Number of matches correctly predicted during the FIFA World Cup Pay out bonus *based on how many MVU tokens were purchased* All 64 Matches 250% 56-63 Matches 100% 44-55 Matches 75% 33-44 Matches 50% 18-32 Matches 25% 9-17 Matches 10% 1-8 Matches 5%

Tokens for sale: 60,000,000

Investment info
Min. investment: 50 USD

Accepting: ETH

Soft cap: 2,000,000 USD

Hard cap: 24,000,000 USD

More Information

ETH Address :0xEA8f7425f79f182EFDE78D287baa0629FA5AD429


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