dove network

Dove network is a peer to peer global internet sharing network using the power of blockchain, artificial intelligence and the mesh network to create an internet service provider (ISP) that will bring internet access to billions of people in a global scale.
This will be made possible by dove blockchain powered application that will allow users on its peer to peer network trade unused data anonymously and automatically, the dove network will utilize back end applications such as DO protocol (Data Transmission), Smart Algorithm that is artificially intelligence powered, Trade engine and a consensus network to make internet a tradable commodity.
Dove network advantages:
Internet connection in a moment, in any location and at any time convenient for you;
More pleasant low cost of use;
Reducing the cost of roaming outside your country;
Earn income from anywhere in the world, buying and selling Internet data;
Share the Internet with family, friends, colleagues, or donate the Internet as a charity.
Buy online from the decentralized data market Dove is very easy and simple, just install the application on your mobile phone, tablet and and choose the appropriate tariff plan.
How the funds of investors will be used:
The tools will mainly be used to build Dove Network applications and increase the total number of ISPs to provide better global connectivity.
The goals of the team Dove Network:
To make the Internet a practical and affordable around the world;
Make the Internet high quality to use;
To raise the world to a new economic level, due to the interaction of mankind on the whole planet;
Benefit for everyone. You pay only for the data used, something that you do not need to sell or give.


The industry Dove network hopes to change is the Internet service providers industry, this industry is characterized by high monopoly by larger internet service providers who account for 33.4% of industry revenue by 2018, however its worth to note that due to monopoly risk governments have prevented this player from becoming too dominant paving way for start-ups such as dove network who are the main beneficiaries of this new government policies.
The world internet usage and population has registered a whopping 1052 growth between the years 2000 and 2018 with global users estimated to be around 4 billion, the highest region being Asia with a 48.7% dominance.
DOVE internet-users-worldwide-2013-2018.png
The increase demand for internet services are one of the factors benefiting the industry, however current government policies favor new entrants in the industry, this include the Governments network expansion plans to increase the number of broadband connections to boost rural communities.
The segment has registered a growth of 6.3% annual growth with internet being deemed as a necessity rather than a luxury which is driving the widespread of the industry.


The dove network is offering a decentralized solution that will utilize the power of blockchain technology that will solve the problem experienced in this market, the network will aloow a community run centers that free of monopoly. The start-up plans to mint Dove utility tokens that will create a loop of incentives between data sellers and buyers.


There are several factors favoring dove network on its quest to solve internet connectivity problems in the industry, the main advantage is an effective product promotion, the team has been promoting their products through several measures such as bounties and through their social medial networks including major appearances in major media platforms.
The second factor favoring the Dove network is its adoption of blockchain technology which is a new technology gaining popularity in a global scale, this technology will enable the Dove network to easily scale to a global scale, the platform also utilizes the power of artificial intelligence in the management of the Dove Network processes.


Access to the internet is changing the way people live with the promise of the Internet of Things revolution that will enable global connectivity, this will drive the demand for data – lots of it.
As a result, the Dove network will have a huge advantage in penetrating the vast industry and help supply the high volume of data required, Start-ups like Dove Network will grow rapidly, I will keep a close on the development of Data Network and I believe the start-up has very high potential of being adopted and generating a good return to its early adopters.



The dove marketplace will allow global internet users to trade internet data through the dove network, this will help supply growing demand for internet in a global scale, monetization of the internet using dove hotspot will also help set up internet access points in remote areas.


Businesses will be able to sell their data to a large scale of individuals, this will enable them access a wide scale of individuals who are potential customers and the most important part is that they will cut costs in setting up software's and equipment's in order to sell their data on the large available data market.


Government all over the world want to increase internet connectivity especially to rural areas, this is due to the fact that the internet can help grow the economy and help in information sharing among citizens of the respective country.


Internet access demand is higher than ever unfortunately the growth is not evenly distributed Dove network is solving a problem over 7 billion people require internet services according to data from United Nations statistics this has been due to the falling prices of broadband internet and access to internet enabled devices such as mobile phones. Dove network is a real problem solver and I would encourage my readers to research more on the project and support the start-up bring access to the billion people around the globe.
All the important information can be found here:
author : Yoloyolo
my profile :;u=1832746

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I hope this can have a positive effect on all of you.


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